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Venue Hire Rates

There are two main  for hire at The Shifteye Studios:


The Main Photography Studio

An unconventionally shaped room, measuring roughly 76 Meters Squared, suitable for:

Hosting Online Events - Webinars,  Live DJ Mixes, Talk Shows or Podcasts

Photography & Video Shoots

Private, Socially Disctanced Events & Exhibitions

Workshops & Presentation

Hair & Makeup Station

A large mirror, 2m wide surrounded by 20 warm yellow, LED Lights. The sections can accommodate up to 4 people sat down & 4 people standing.

The Venue, ordinarily, can accommodate 120pax Seated or up to 300pax Standing. However, due to the current Pandemic and in accordance with regulations set by Kenya's Ministry Of Health, as of January 2021, we can currently only accommodate a maximum of 50pax at any given time.*

*This is a fluid situation, subject to change based on terms set by M.O.H and G.O.K.

We highly recommend a site visit to get a feel of the space.

Opening Hours, By Appointment Only :

10am - 5pm

*up to 7:00 pm for Evening Events

~Studio Event Hire~
(inc. V.A.T)

Half-Day: 23,200ksh*(4 Hours)

Full-Day: 46,400ksh*(4+ Hours)

~Exhibition Hire~

29,000​ksh /Per Day

For Events & Exhibitions, the above rates include:


6 x Hanging Boards

10 x Wooden Easels

120 x Plastic Chairs (Uncovered)

In-Built P.A. System

(Ideal for Ambient Music)

Pristine Male & Female Lavatories

Free but limited underground & above ground parking from 6 pm

24 Hour CCTV Coverage & Security Personnel

(Additional security may be required for events exceeding 100 pax)

Stuio Carsel
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